Saturday, October 23, 2010


Here I sit sipping on a coffee working on putting together some handouts for my students and I decided to take a quick peek at the good ol' blog. 1,000 page views!  Thank you everyone who visits my blog on a regular basis.  I am happy that people are actually reading this.  My mom has probably viewed it 500 of those 1000 times, but still :) 

As a thank you, I'm wondering if there is a dish idea that you have that you would like me to try out, spruce up and blog about.  If so, post a comment and let me know.  I'd be happy to try something out.  I also love reading comments so POST AWAY.  

Thanks everyone,
Jill xo


Anonymous said...

Oh your cooking blog is oh so grand. I like checking it out - it's light hearted and often funny - and on top of that it has some great recipes and photos.
Blog away -

Jenny said...

Congrats on this milestone Jill!

Jinny said...

Jill, I have compiled a recipe book for the school year 2009/10 and am in the process of doing one for 2010/11. I cook every Friday for special needs kids who eat nothing and it has to be glutin and dair free. It is pretty good I must say so if you ever need an idea, I am there for you. Keep up the good work Love.

Mom xxxx000