Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bolognese Sauce

picture borrowed from here
In July my husband and I visited NYC.  We had a lovely, quiet meal at a quaint Italian restaurant on our last night in the city. I'm a jerk and completely forget the name, and completely uncharacteristic of me I neglected to take a picture. My husband ordered their Bolognese pasta.  It was freakin' fantastic.  Hands down the best pasta dish I have ever had in my life (I might have helped him with his meal...).  I've never made Bolognese sauce so I had no idea there were three types of meat in it. I guess that's why it is so delish.  After a few weeks of craziness around here I'm back in the kitchen. Bolognese sauce it is. The Manhattan deliciousness was better then mine but I'm happy with the final product.  I've never cooked with ground pork before and really liked it.  The consistency of the NYC sauce was much smoother then mine so I might blend it up a bit next time. Bacon is where its at.
Yield:10+ servings       


In a large skillet, warm oil over medium heat and sauté bacon, onion and garlic until bacon is browned and crisp; set aside. In large saucepan, brown beef and pork. Stir in bacon mixture and remaining ingredients. Cover, reduce heat and simmer one hour, stirring occasionally. Serve sauce over hot pasta.

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