Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A possible change of heart...

I've been up since 3am after basically the shittiest sleep I've ever had. Through the long, quiet hours of the night I thought about everything under the sun moon. Kitchen renovations, couch styles, buying a treadmill, name games for the first day of school, and my blog (and that was in the first 10 minutes).  It occurred to me that I've slowed down quite a bit of this blog and have found it challenging to come up with new unique recipes after writing over 300 posts in 3 years. Saaaaay What?!  Cooking with Modesty has focused me, made me slightly more detail oriented, has fueled my passion for cooking, and developed a passion for reading and writing.  Blogging has opened up my eyes to other peoples stories. I have learned from strangers successes, failures and passions in life all through the amazing blog world on the world wide web (Sidenote: my 16 year old students didn't know that's what WWW. stood for...). Those who know me personally know that I am a very open person.  I'm honest, occasionally too honest, and I am happy to share the details of my life, especially if some else finds value in my experiences.  So at about 4:47am it occurred to me that Cooking with Modesty may need an overhaul in the form of a name and focus change.  My mind, writing and creativity have become stagnant. I want to add more dimension to my blog while providing non-cookers a chance to connect with me, my stories and my experiences. That's not to say that I won't write about cooking, in fact my 5:00am 4:47am vision of my potentially new blog would still encompass a lot of recipes however it would open up the opportunity to discuss other topics. I'm not entirely sure if I'll pull the trigger on this new idea or not but wanted to put it out there as a push to myself to continuing pondering this possibility. Thanks for listening to my sleep-drunk banter.

Peace out. zzzz....

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