Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Traditions

I'm a sucker for Christmas, and always have been. From choosing the Christmas tree, to what treats to bake to what holiday songs will echo through the house, I take it all very seriously. I'm proud to say that I have definitely rubbed off on my husband. With a wee one on the scene, Christmas has an extra-special feeling this year. My husband and I had a discussion about what holiday traditions we would like our family to have. Peanut is still pretty young so we haven't implemented everything yet but we have certainly done a lot festive things with her this season.  Here is a list of the things that either my husband or I did growing up and would like to continue with and a few new ideas;

1. Giving back - My mother has always instilled in me the importance of giving back. She is by far the most generous person I know. She sponsors entire families at Christmas time, drops food off to the food banks regularly, and will even fight traffic to drive into Toronto to drop off care packages to teens in needs. She truly is the greatest woman. I want Peanut to know the importance of giving back too. We started this year, and will continue for a long time having Kinley go pick out a few gifts for children in need. We will make a big deal of  this and have her involved in every step of the process including going to the store, choosing the gifts and delivering them to the donation centre.

2. Family, family, family - Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without family. Yes, friends are super important during the holidays but as far as I'm concerned family trumps everything. Spending as much time together during the holidays is so important.

3. Decorating Day - This happens any day after November 11th and involved hot chocolate and great holiday tunes.

4. Christmas Tree - Our go-to place doesn't sell trees anymore so we will have to figure out a new place to go. I take this task very seriously - it must be perfect and I will take however much time is needed to find the right tree for our family. There is a lot of twirling with trees to see all angles. This, along with decorating the tree will be done as a family.

5. Christmas movies - curled up in our jammies with treats anytime in the month of December. Classics for me include Home Alone (1 & 2), Elf, and The Santa Claus. LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.

6. Santa treats - Left out on Christmas Eve and will include a carrot for Rudolph.

7. Christmas Light Tour - My mom lives in Oakville and holy shit, do those rich folks know how to do it right! Nothing beats grabbing a hot chocolate  (& Bailey's for the passengers) and driving the town for a few hours checking out all the amazing lights.

8. Santa Wish List - We always made a wish list growing up. We understood that it wasn't a list that meant we would get all of it but I'm sure it was helpful to Santa. I am a firm believer that Christmas isn't at all about the gifts. Gift opening is a part of the tradition of Christmas, but it isn't the biggest part and I want to make sure Peanut knows this. I hope her future wish lists will be this;
One thing to read:      ______________
One thing I need:       ______________
One thing to wear:   ______________
One thing I want:    ______________

9. Christmas Baking - I love to cook and I want Peanut to be apart of this passion of mine. I want her to participate in cooking as often as she can and Christmas baking will be no exception!

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure this list will grow as the years pass but this is a good start. Have I mentioned that I love Christmas? Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la!

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