Sunday, September 29, 2013

Music + Me = Happy Camper

Is it me, or does music feed the soul? I am by far the least musical person in the entire world -- it's true, ask anyone who has had the pleasure of being around me while I sing 'Happy Birthday'. I once tried to sing 'Love Lift Us Up'.....on my wedding day at my reception! WTF was I thinking?! I blame it on the signature drinks. I can't play instruments, I can't sing what-so-ever, and this girl can't even hum a tune.  But my God, does music ever do wonderful things to me.  It can completely change my mood and lift my spirits.  It can bring back amazing memories, transport me to a new place, and make me a happy camper. I often feel like I have a soundtrack to my days and the genres change depending on what I have going on. 9 times out of 10 if you drop by our house we'll have music playing. Growing up I couldn't study or read without music playing in the background.  Even now I have a difficult time marking papers and tests without have music on. Below are just a few songs that I love. Some old and some new. Hope you enjoy. Happy listening.


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