Thursday, July 12, 2012

Organization & Availability

I'm definitely not the most organized person on the planet that's for sheezie but I know how an organized pantry helps with motivation in the kitchen.  A few weeks ago my husband helped me make a double batch of my favourite cookies and said he'd be screwed if it weren't of the organization of my baking ingredients.  Yes, I own a label maker and yes, I am deeply in love with it. Best gift ever.

Availability also has a lot to do with people taking the time to make homemade meals.  I never understood people who don't keep staples stocked.  These items rarely spoil and isn't it way more effort to have to keep running out to the store?  I know some people don't like having multiples of items but when items are one sale I'll grab a few packages that way I'm saving some buckaroos and I will have it on hand when I need it. I love spontaneity in the kitchen and having a stocked pantry enables me to be spontaneous. Perhaps this new (much) larger organized pantry will encourage my husband to cook more often...hmm....

Rant done.

I'm off to Toronto for a few days to celebrate with some lovely brides-to-be. Sound the GONG.  I will write when I return.  Enjoy your weekend. It's going to be a beaut (I don't actually know if it will be but I'm going to assume it is...i.hate.rain.)

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