Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beef Teriyaki

On my way home from work today my eyes became locked on a Chinese restaurant.  Great.  Now I wanted that for dinner.  A bummer about living out in the country is that takeout doesn't really make sense since it takes a while to get into town to grab it and it's usually cold by the time we get home. I suppose it's a blessing in disguise.  I came home and starting to put together a Japanese and Chinese inspired dish.  It turned out great.  Good thing, because it made enough extras. Score - lunch tomorrow!

2 beef steaks, sliced
chopped veggies (I used celery, red pepper, mushroom, carrots, Cherry tomatoes and broccoli)
2 cups cooked basmati rice

Teriyaki Sauce
1/4 c soy sauce
3/4 c water
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 tbsp brown sugar
1/8 tsp ground ginger
2 tbsp corn starch dissolved in 1/4 c water

Place sliced steaks in a skillet over medium heat and brown slightly on each side.  Pour teriyaki sauce over beef, cover and simmer for 3 minutes.  Add veggies, cover and continuing simmering for about 4 minutes, or until veggies are desired crispness.  Serve on a bed of basmati rice.

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