Saturday, November 29, 2014

Can't Live Without You - 4th Edition

Peanut will be 8 freakin' months in a few short days. Slow down time! It's funny, when we first brought peanut home time moved at a slow motion pace and I didn't think the days would ever end. Now that we are in our groove and Peanut and I know each other pretty darn well, the days are going far too quick. Makes my heart ache a little....

Here is a list of the items that we haven't been able to live without over the last two months.

1. Bumbo Tray - A feeding game changer! We have a beautiful highchair waiting for peanut for when she is more experienced with this whole BLW thing and for when she's a bit bigger (she's still pretty darn small). This tray was $14 and worth ever darn penny. The tray is small enough to fit in the sink to be washed down and we also travel with the bumbo and tray so she can eat meals when we are on the road visiting friends and family.

 2. Fleece Sleep Sack with Arms - The cold winter has arrived and my Mama instinct is to cover peanut up in a million soft, warm blankets...but I can't. So we went to Once Upon a Child and scored two used sleep sacks. They are so cozy and warm!

3. Sophie - I didn't think I would ever promote this glorified dog toy but Peanut really does love it. She can hold it, chew it like crazy and make it squeak. It's our car seat only toy so she's always super-pumped to see it when I'm buckling her in.

4. Family Picture Book - I had a Shutterfly coupon code for a free 8x8 book so I decided to make Peanut a family picture book.  Each family member has their own page with their name and a few different pictures. My side of the family doesn't get to see her often so I wanted to make sure that she got to see them all the time.

5. Fleece Velcro Slippers - Ours were a hand-me-down from a hand-me-down from a hand-me-down (Sparknotes: peanut is the 4th babe to use them). They no longer have a tag on them so I don't know the brand but they are very similar to Polar Feet shown in this picture. The key is they open right up so you can slip them on easily and snuggly.

Items that we still can't live without:
Sound Machine
U pillow
Floor playmat (yup! She still loves it!)

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