Friday, November 25, 2011

Cookie Gadget

Gadgets ain't ma thang. Sure, they all have a purpose, but they usually have a very specific function, are used infrequently and take up valuable space. Am I right, or am I right?

Last Christmas my brother and his wife gave me a kitchen gadget and if I'm being honest here, I was planning on donating once the "I've kept it for a year so now I don't have to feel bad getting rid of it" rule was up (If you are reading MM, I'm sorry!).  However, a few weeks ago I decided to take it for a test drive. I definitely changed my tune - this bad boy isn't going anywhere. I can now make the perfect sized cookies with just one hand. Buddy, I'm sorry I ever doubted you...

Update: The cookie gadget (aka: Cookie Dropper) was purchased at Lee Valley (check it out here). I took a picture of my gadget (that's what she said), but didn't realize that I was actually taking a video (that's what HE said).  It's probably just me, but I find this video motage of spoon footage halarious! I think I need to get out more. (ugh! For some reason the clip won't upload. I will try again tomorrow.)

1 comment:

Me said...

We got it at Lee Valley!

Deep down I knew you would use it......