Sunday, October 13, 2013

So very thankful

 My husband and I are extremely thankful for so many reasons but this Thanksgiving we are especially thankful that the third time was a charm. 
We are thrilled to announce that our little one will be arriving at the end of April.

I decided to share my journey to help at least one couple who might be in a similar situation. I realize that some people don't agree with me 'airing my dirty laundry' -- to each their own. I know first hand that pregnancy announcements can hurt if you are experiencing difficulties becoming pregnant. I am so sorry if this post has hurt you. I truly hope in some way that my story has given you the hope that you need to move forward.  If you want children you will become parents, this I know.  It just takes time to figure out what options you have and what options are a good fit for you. We are so thankful for all of the options we have/had to choose from.
Take time today to remember all the things you have in your life to be thankful for.
Thank you for reading our infertility story. The outpour of support we have received is truly humbling.
Thanking my lucky stars. 

1 comment:

Feen said...

I am beyond excited for you and... I'm crying all over again. xoxo

I don't know of two more deserving people. There's truth in the power of prayers.

I love you both. xoxo