Friday, October 11, 2013

Round 2

After a follow up appointment with our specialist, an ultrasound and lots of blood work it was determined that I was ready to rock another cycle of fertility treatment.  My body had thankfully bounced back after having my ovaries balloon to the size of grapefruits and experiencing an early miscarriage.  My ovaries were on their way back to normal and my hormones had leveled right now. BOOYA!  That was the news we needed to hear.  Bring on round #2!  Since we had froze 6 embryos we decided to do a frozen embryo transfer.  This meant that they didn't need to harvest my eggs so no hormone injections needed - YAHOO!  I was put on oral hormone therapy that helped prepare my body to hold onto a precious little embryo, or two.  My 31st Birthday was spent in the only place I wanted to be at that point in my life -- beside my husband in the hospital getting two perfect little embryos transferred into my uterus. We walked into the hospital that day thinking we'd choose to put back one little embryo but we both felt so strongly when we saw a picture of the two embryos they had thawed for the procedure that we decided to choose both. Two babies sounded much better to us than none. Unfortunately the oral hormone I was on tricked my body into thinking I was pregnant so I was experiencing many pregnancy symptoms including nausea, fatigue, and sore breasts for the following two weeks.  Neither of the perfect little Birthday embryos wanted to stay put in my uterus and we received a big fat negative result from our pregnancy test.  Heartbreak hell round 2. F&*k. We decided that we needed to tell our close family and friends what was going on because we needed their support more then ever. It took us a while to emotionally recover from the bad news but we made sure to give ourselves time to grieve and not rush through it. I don't think I would have been able to get through this without the amazing love and support our amazing circle of family and friends. We are so grateful to have these wonderful people in our lives.

ugh -- so now what? Back to the drawing board...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you sooooo much! Xoxoxo Jen xoxoxo