10 unexpected things I learned through my pregnancy:
1. Even being pregnant, I am still completely sensitive to birth announcements. It is something that I am working really hard at overcoming but it is going to take time. I'm going to be frank here and I might offend people so be warned in advance. Unplanned pregnancies are so f'n difficult for me to swallow. It still takes at least a week for me to shake them. It's a combination of utter jealously about their ability to reproduce without effort, and rage. The rage comes from a place that isn't pretty and completely self absorbed, this I know. When I find out a pregnancy isn't planned I for some reason assume that their baby wasn't and isn't wanted. This isn't cool, I know. I need to adjust my thinking -- and in time I know I will get there.
2. Morning sickness is only for those excessively lucky. I suffered from all day/all night sickness and contraire to what 'they' say, it lasted longer then 12 weeks! To be entirely honest though, the sickness made me know that our little munchkin was doing its' thing in there so it wasn't ALL bad. I am so grateful that I was able to manage it without medication and was able to find foods that I could keep down (hello cheese and bread!)
3. The good days are SO good! I felt fantastic on my good days so try to take advantage of those awesome days by doing the things you love to do.
4. The kicks never, ever get old -- even the kicks to the crotch and ribs. They reassured me that our little girl was doing ok.
5. Picking a name is a bitch, especially when you are a teacher! Even the names you have loved for years start to wear off and you will panic a bit at the responsibility of having to name your child.
6. Finding out gender was the most amazing experience ever. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but if you want to find out - do it and have no shame! My husband and I instantly felt more connected to our little one once we knew and it's been so wonderful to say things like "when our daughter is older..." or "She is kicking up a storm right now".
7. I've always been a planner -- my entire life. I think the infertility issues we experienced really made me slow down and take it one day at a time and toss out the notion that I can control everything. I haven't over thought anything throughout this pregnancy (with the exception of a stroller purchase. lol) nor have I felt overwhelmed. The nursery still sits bare, names haven't been picked, and we haven't made a single purchase yet, and I'm totally ok with it. (clearly this point was written before Nesting-Mania 2014 started in trimester three. lol)
8. I listened to my body. If I was tired I rested if I wanted something to eat I ate. If I needed a weekend alone, I didn't make plans. If something doesn't feel quite right, it probably isn't. Go to your doctor. Now.
9. For me, cravings didn't exist. There were certainly foods that I was able to stomach on a regular basis (ie. CHEESE!) but I never had an out of the ordinary craving.
10. It is difficult to change your lifestyle and accept that you can't do what you used to, especially in the last trimester. Physically I have been very limited in this pregnancy. I spend the first 23 days of pregnancy on bed rest due to my OHSS and fluid in my lungs. In my last trimester I developed preeclampsia which means I have to keep my heart rate at bay so no physical activity. It can be frustrating. Just roll with the punches...or try to at least...