Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cream Cheese & Red Pepper Jelly

This weekend we traveled to the Peterborough area to visit with friends and have a good time. Mission Accomplished.  Our lovely hosts treated us very, very well. We were requested to bring an easy late night snack/appetizer and since we were traveling from quite a distance I wanted to bring something that could travel well and was super easy to prepare.  This isn't a recipe but rather a appetizer suggestion that has never failed me and is perfect in a pinch. After a few beverages last night my husband and I were chatting in the kitchen of my friends home and he said to me as he took a bite of the appetizer 'we' brought, "God this is good! Do you know who brought it?". Classic.

1 brick low fat cream cheese
1 jar red pepper jelly
A variety of crackers

Remove cream cheese from fridge at least a 1/2 hour before serving to ensure it's easy to spread.  Place on a serving plate and pour red pepper jelly on top.  Fill the remainder of the plate with crackers. Enjoy!

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