Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I eat pretty much anything except for weird meats (that's what she said). I certainly get every dollar's worth at a buffet. I love pasta, veggies, potatoes, fruit, breads, cheese, everything!  Last week while speed walking through the produce isles at the grocery store I realized that I've never bought a cabbage. Weird.  So I tossed one in my cart. Cabbage is one of the foods on my "indifferent" foods list along with pie, yogurt, stew and corn to name a few.  Tonight I had meatballs (found here) and decided that a coleslaw side would be a perfect compliment.

1/2 small-medium cabbage
1 large carrot
1/4 of a red onion
1/2 cup mayo
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard powder
salt & pepper

shred cabbage and carrot (I used my food processor).  Shred red onion much smaller then the cabbage and carrot.  In a bowl mix mayo, vinegar, mustard powder, salt and pepper.  Pour over cabbage, carrot and onion to coat.  Eat.

now....what to do with this leftover cabbage....

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